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A Butterfly’s Wingbeat or a Global Village – A Bibliometric Review of the Impact of the Russo-ukrainian War
Ãœlle Must
Estonian Education and Youth Board Munga 18, 50088 Tartu (Estonia)
Abstract: What happens thousands of kilometres away from us today affects our daily life and has global consequences much faster and more acutely than, for instance, 100 years ago. Ukraine and Russia have been in a military conflict since February 2014, which escalated into a full-scale Russian aggression war on February 24, 2022. In the current paper, we observe the trends in how and to what extent the aspects of the Russo-Ukrainian war have reached scientific circulation. What is the circle of authors dealing with the topic, has the different geographical locations affected the focus of research, what fields of research and topics does it cover, and what is the scope of the impact of the war?
Keywords: Publications, Russia, Stem, Social Sciences and Humanities, Citation Topics, Authorship, Global Science, Funding Agency, Open Access, Web Of Science, Incites A Butterfly’s Wingbeat or a Global Village – A Bibliometric Review of the Impact of the Russo-ukrainian War
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