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A Study of the Concept and Features of Game Balancing
Alexander Becker, Daniel Görlich
Wolfsgrubenweg 25, 67069 Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Germany & SRH University Heidelberg, Ludwig-Guttmann-Str. 6, 69123 Heidelberg, Germany
Abstract: The concept Game Balancing is not very clear in the descriptions provided in the literature. Hence to help to understand this concept in this work we have quoted and reviewed a few publications on game balancing produced by well known designers. The papers analysed shown that the concept is treated with analysis, concepts, definitions and key issues. The similarities and differences are explained and we proposed the concepts suitable for games in general, but that their concepts differ, that they focus on games made for fun and entertainment. Thus we conclude that there is no universal definition for “game balancing” suitable for games discussed.
Keywords: Game Balancing, Video Games, Semantics, Concepts A Study of the Concept and Features of Game Balancing
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