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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
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Progress in Computing Applications(PCA)

Water Management through the Deployment of Multimedia Technologies
Marcelo León, Valeria Burgos, Leidy Lozano Jacome
Universidad Nacional de Loja, Ecuador & Universidad Autonoma Juan Misael Saracho, Bolivia & 3 Guarumo S. A. S.
Abstract: Preserving and managing available water resources in a few places water is scarce, is important because water availability in some communities is a big question. In this work we tried to use a few ICT tools such as interactive multimedia and other gamification tools to find children and can be used in classrooms to facilitate learning, as well as the development of skills and abilities to raise awareness of children being an important support to teaching-learning processes. Thus we intend to promote to the promotion of good water use through “Interactive Games Applied to Sustainable Practices and Responsible for the Efficient Use of Water”, making use of the tools provided by ICTs. In this work we do which is an improvement initiative that incorporates various video elements, text, graphics, animation, and audio.
Keywords: Videogames, Sustainable Development, Water Water Management through the Deployment of Multimedia Technologies
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