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Progress in Computing Applications(PCA)

Enhancing the Level of Learning Process with Interactive Multimedia Systems
Lidice Haz, Yolanda Molineros, Estefania Vargas, Araceli Davila
Universidad Estatal Peninsula de Santa Elena, La Libertad Ecuador & Universidad de Guayaquil, Guayaquil Ecuador
Abstract: To modify and reorient the teaching and learning systems, the of new information and communication technologies contribute to improving the quality. Nowadays the multimedia tend to help the creation of teaching materials that guide student learning. The use of interactive media facilitates the understanding of the contents through various forms of information. The intention is to bring more support and enhance the level of the students. The main aim of this study is the application of an educational multimedia system integrated with the Kinect device. The study was initiated by using the cascade model consisting of sequential development. The evaluation permitted to assess the functionality of the software, and the integration of the kinect device. The intention was to develop an interactive, dynamic and fun environment with full mastery of student participation, and teacher acceptance. We found that the use of any audio visual interactive medium favors learning through sensory organs such as sight and hearing.
Keywords: System, Multimedia, Interactive System, Kinect, Learning, Teaching, Basic Education Enhancing the Level of Learning Process with Interactive Multimedia Systems
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