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Progress in Computing Applications(PCA)

Observing the Processes in the High-performance Computing Programs
Kostadin Mishev, Sonja Filiposka, Anastas Mishev
The Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Rudjer Boshkovikj 16 Skopje 1000, Macedonia., 2Faculty Of Computer Science and Engineering at SS Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Rudjer Boshkovikj 16,
Abstract: High performance computing largely depends on the enhanced utility, use and efficiency in processing of data. Hence, the high-performance computing systems should be regularly monitored to ensure understanding and high utility. These systems can be given high power sources and supported by good and well-designed programs.
Keywords: HPC, Monitoring, Efficient usage Observing the Processes in the High-performance Computing Programs
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