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Progress in Computing Applications(PCA)

Graph Vertexes and Robot Position in Maze
Milena Karova, Ivaylo Penev, Mariana Todorova, Hristiyan Bobev, Neli Kalcheva
Technical University of Varna 1 Studentska str., Varna 9010, Bulgaria.,Faculty of Automation and Computing at Technical University of Varna 1 Studentska str., V
Abstract: Automatic agents can help to process maze for which several algorithms are developed and used. These algorithms enable to fix issues relating to the conversion of maze into useful graphs and enable to identify the effective way to reach the final stage of the development. In this work we took the images of the maze with the help of the readily available image and implemented the algorithms. We did the processing of images that include the marking, beginning level and final point in the process using the algorithms. In the next stage, we have given a bit set to develop a graph vertex and the valid positions of the robot. We have ensured that the developed algorithm helps to reach the final point and ultimately process the image and texts.
Keywords: Bit Set, Breadth First Search, Graph, Image, Maze, Shortest Path Graph Vertexes and Robot Position in Maze
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