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Use of Petri Nets in the Search Query Pattern Analysis
Vesna Gega and Pece Mitrevski
University for Information Science and Technology Partizanska bb, Ohrid 6000, Republic of Macedonia., Department of Computer Science and Engineering Faculty of Technical Sciences, St. Clement Ohridski University, Ivo Lola Ribar bb, 7000 Bitola Republic of
Abstract: Extensive research has been carried out in the last two decades about the users’ search query and behaviour. Many systems have been formulated based on the search query pattern with learning and modelling and providing prediction about the possible growth in search patterns. They are dependent on the statistical methods which use logs and these logs are mined using tools. In this research we relied on the tracking the individual user search pattern for query formulation and use the Petri Nets for understanding the search pattern models.
Keywords: Petri Nets, Modeling, Search Behavior, Query Log Data, Patterns Use of Petri Nets in the Search Query Pattern Analysis
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