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Progress in Computing Applications(PCA)

Ionizing Radiation Detector Circuits and their Operations
Hristo Sabev and Tsanko Karadzhov
Hristo Sabev is with the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Electronics at Technical University of Gabrovo, 4 H. Dimitar, Gabrovo 5300, Bulgaria., Tsanko Karadzhov is with the Faculty of Mechanical and Precision Engineering at Technical University of G
Abstract: The functioning of the ionizing radiation detector circuits and their operations are tested using simulations in the current work. We have verified the semiconductor optoelectronic detectors of ionizing radiation. Based on the outcome we proposed circuits for temperature compensation in the optoelectronic detectors performance with low energy levels. This environment has the ionizing particles in fast and slow changes. We have applied the trial results of the opto-electronic detectors.
Keywords: Ionizing Radiations, PIN Photodiodes, PSPICE Simulations Ionizing Radiation Detector Circuits and their Operations
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