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Progress in Machines and Systems

Study of Migration Phenomenon through the Novels
Yovany Salazar, Marcelo León
Universidad Nacional de Loja & Ecuador
Abstract: In this paper, migration in Ecuador is studied with respect to many characteristics such as geovisualiztion and description. In the proposed model, the internal migration and emigration to other developed parts and novels that relate specifically, the emigration of Ecuadorians, from the authors described. It is related to the internal migration from the Highlands to the Amazon region and other regions. From another perspective, congenial to the problems derived from migration in Ecuador, the cultures of the different expressions of the artistic dimension of culture have represented and recreated, from each one of their fields of action: musical arts, performing arts, plastic arts and literary arts, in its various genres: poetry, theater, essay, chronicle, testimony, story and novel.
Keywords: Internal Migration, Geography, Ecuadorian Novel, Geovisualization, Educational Technology Study of Migration Phenomenon through the Novels
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