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Progress in Machines and Systems

Deterministic Algorithms for Solving Coding Theory Issues
Stojanche Panov1 and Saso Koceski2
Faculty of Computer Science at ‘Goce Delchev’ University - Stip blvd. Krste Misirkov bb., 2000 Stip, R. Macedonia
Abstract: Using the reducing domain algorithms, we have studied the differences and issues in the available approaches to solve puzzles and have come out with a new deterministic approach for arriving at good solutions. Whereas other algorithms are available, we in this paper have provided a new kind of solution to this problem and found more acceptable results. We are confident that to solve the coding theory issues, this kind of development of effective deterministic algorithms.
Keywords: Backtracking Algorithms, Coding Theory, Deterministic Algorithms, Kakuro Puzzles Deterministic Algorithms for Solving Coding Theory Issues
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