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Progress in Machines and Systems

Multicore GPU and CPU Platforms for Software Operations
Miloš M. Radmanovic
Faculty of Electronic Engineering Aleksandra Medvedeva 14 18000 Niš, Serbia
Abstract: Many scientific applications are depending on kernel for which we have used the Reed-Muller transform in this work. The function of the multicore GPU and CPU are used to enhance the capability of the software operations. We have introduced the parallel computing for the correct use of fixed polarity Reed Muller transforms of the Boolean operations. The search algorithms have impact on it and the best algorithm is implemented with sequential code and also by using the Message Parsing Interface framework. The final performance outcome is studied with the other computational outcome of the multicore CPU using time involved in computation.
Keywords: Reed-Muller Transform, Parallel FFT-like Algorithms, Multicore CPU, MPI Multicore GPU and CPU Platforms for Software Operations
DOI:https://doi.org/10.6025/pms/2022/11/2/41- 47
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