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Progress in Systems and Telecommunication Engineering

Platform Services
Ana Robnik; Andrej Ciglic; Aleš Balanc; Roman Kuznar; Ignac Zupan, Jan Porekar, Arso Savanovic
Iskratel, d.o.o., Kranj Ljubljanska c. 24a SI-4000 Kranj, Jozef Stefan Institute Jamova 39 SI-1000 Ljubljana, SETCCE d.o.o. Tehnološki park 21 SI-1000 Ljubljana
Abstract: Advanced platform services enable in their rich content schema and business approach a step closer to the digitalization of the public and industrial sectors. These services are open for their further usage in a plethora of applications and run on opensourced cloud infrastructure. The main objective of this initiative is to increase the competitiveness of the Slovenian ICT industry by developing advanced ICT pre-integrated (platform) services, which are available via application programming interfaces to other services and applications, and they are managed and orchestrated using the cognate principles. The three areas of platform services usage (E&M Health, Solutions for Small and Medium Enterprise, Safe Society) are described and its benefits for each of these areas. This program has been initiated by the company Iskratel, d.o.o., Kranj, and involves 15 partners, including 12 industrial and four public research institutes with their 12 research groups. The Platform services are oriented horizontally, incorporating enabling technologies and services that allow faster and efficient development of applications and services within the initiatives Safe Society, Smart Cities and Communities PaMetSkup, Energetics and E&M Health. The Platform Services are an excellent ICT basis for Smart Cities and Communities thanks to advanced and rich content and concepts. The consortium of partners wants to become a global partner for integrated/comprehensive projects with flexible and innovative service providers.
Keywords: Connectivity, Orchestron Service, Network Platform Platform Services
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[1] Towards a thriving data-driven economy, COM(2014) 442, http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/towards-thriving-datadriveneconomy.
[2] ”European Big Data Value Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda”, European Big Data Value Partnership, July 2014
[3] http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/open-data-0
[4] Companies product descriptions.
[5] Napredne platformne storitve za digitalno Slovenijo in aplikacije industrijskih sektorjev, narejeno za SVRK in oddano v maju 2015.

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