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Progress in Systems and Telecommunication Engineering

A Non-experimental Cross-sectional Study for Analysing the Speed of Sound Variations
Luis Palacios Aguirre, Rosalba Rodriguez Reyes
Fuerza Aerea Ecuatoriana, Ecuador & Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, Ecuador
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the speed of sound variations based on ring a rifle at a distance of 1240 meters at 22 ° C at the sea level in the province of Santa Elena, Ecuador. This is a nonexperimental cross-sectional study based on the data collected from 45 students, in addition, it has a descriptive design, and the measurements were taken using a chronometer during the 8 attempts each participant had. The main focus was the variation of time from the sparks ignition until the sound produced by the gunpowder explosion during each attempt. Instruments to establish meteorological conditions were used in order to measure wind time, distance, temperature, speed, and direction. The data analysis was aimed at determining the individual and general median time of shooting flight, having as a result 351,27 m/s. This value is close to the 350 m/s presented by Galileo Galilei and it remarkably differs from the 372 m/s claimed by Donoso (2013) or the 330 m/s stated by the Military Education and Doctrine Command (2018). This research also aims at contributing to the military field to calculate distances which allow the determination of the enemy´s position or the location of a missing combatant through ring a rifle. Since precision is a key factor in military operations, this investigation may be considered to design a battling field simulator in which distances and direction are calculated through a gunshot.
Keywords: Speed of Sound, Rifle, Distance Calculation, Simulator A Non-experimental Cross-sectional Study for Analysing the Speed of Sound Variations
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