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Progress in Systems and Telecommunication Engineering

A Non-asymptotic Space Complexity of a Backtracking Algorithm for the N-queens Problem
Adrijan Bozinovski, Stevo Bozinovski
School of Computer Science and Information Technology, University American College Skopje Macedonia & South Carolina State University, Orangeburg, SC USA
Abstract: In this research we have studied the space complexity function to offset the shortcoming in the application memory. This is applied particularly when solving the N-queens issue. We found that it is essential to design the required memory space and to monitor the space complexity function in some input domain. We have described the detailed space complexity which is given for when the condition the value of N is less than forty.
Keywords: Space Complexity, Back-tracking Algorithm, Nqueens Problem A Non-asymptotic Space Complexity of a Backtracking Algorithm for the N-queens Problem
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