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Progress in Systems and Telecommunication Engineering

Pareto Distributed Inter-arrival Time Assessment
Seferin Mirtchev, Rossitza Goleva, Georgi Balabanov and Velko Alexiev
The Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
Abstract: To define the peaked arrival processes, we have outlined the Polya and Pareto distribution processes. We are able to assess the actual loss of data in telecommunication systems. This is a fully accessible loss system with Polya input flow that is the negative binomial distributed number of arrivals in a fixed time interval, general allocated service time and “n” servers. We have assessed the model with Pareto distributed inter-arrival time using simulation data. We have developed an algorithm for the calculation of the state probabilities and outlined the blocking. We found that the input stream changes influence the loss system properties.
Keywords: Polya Distribution, Pareto Distribution, Loss System, Peaked Flow Pareto Distributed Inter-arrival Time Assessment
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