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Signals and Telecommunications Journal

Communication and Sensor Solutions for Smart Cities and Communities
Mihael Mohorcic
Department of Communication Systems “Jozef Stefan” Institute Ljubljana, Slovenia
Abstract: Rapid urbanization affects both, increased environmental pollution of cities and communities as well as the need to ensure sufficient resources and adequate services for the living and well-being in cities. This requires the development and introduction of innovative solutions to cities and communities, that will preserve/ensure the high quality of life and will enable the development of new, user-oriented public services. The concept of smart cities is largely based on information, communication and sensor technologies and infrastructure for capturing and monitoring various phenomena. The purpose of this article is to present the research and development activities of the Department of Communication Systems at Jozef Stefan Institute in the fields of wireless communications, embedded and sensor systems with which it has been successfully participating in several EU and national projects. The research activities resulted, among others in the development of two own technologies, (i) modular sensor platform VESNA, whose flexible design allows its adaptation and use in different application areas, and (ii) a lightweight infrastructure management and message broker framework VIDEK, as well as functional prototype of personal ECG and other body signals measurement device PCARD. VESNA also represents the basis for several sensor network pilot deployments and LOG-a-TEC experimental testbed, which plays an important role in research and development of functional building blocks for new smart cities services.
Keywords: Sensor Technologies, Wireless communication, Communication Technology, Smart Cities Communication and Sensor Solutions for Smart Cities and Communities
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References:[1] http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/smart-cities [2] Mohorcic, Mihael., Smolnikar, Miha., Javornik, Tomaz. (2013). Wireless sensor network based infrastructure for experimentally driven research, In: 10th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS 2013), Ilmenau, Germany, (August).
[3] Orchestrating infrastructure for sustainable Smart Cities. IEC, available at: http://www.iec.ch/whitepaper/pdf/iecWP-smartcities- LRen.pdf .
[4] Smolnikar, Miha., Mohorcic, Mihael. (2012). Vloga eksperimentalnega senzorskega omrežja LOG-a-TEC pri razvoju senzorske infrastrukture in storitev, 28. delavnica o telekomunikacijah VITEL, Brdo pri Kranju, 14. in 15. november 2012, p. 17-21.
[5] Strategic Implementation Plan, European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities; retrieved from: http:/ /ec.europa.eu/eip/smartcities/files/sip_final_en.pdf, 24. September 2015.
[6] José, M., Hernández-Muñoz, Jesús Bernat Vercher, Luis Muñoz, José, A., Galache, Mirko Presser, Luis, A. (2011). Hernández Gómez, Jan Pettersson. 2011. Smart Cities at the forefront of the Future Internet, FIA Book, 447-462; http://www.smartsantander.eu/ downloads/Presentations/fia _book_2011_smartcities.pdf .

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