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Mining Telemonitoring Data from Congestive-heart-failure Patients
Mitja Luštrek, Maja Somrak
Jozef Stefan Institute, Department of Intelligent Systems & Jozef Stefan International Postgraduate School
Abstract: The Chiron project carried out an observational study in which congestive-heart-failure patients were telemonitored in two countries. Data from 1,068 recording days of 25 patients were gathered, consisting of 15 dynamic parameters (measured daily or continuously) and 49 static parameters (measured once or a few times during the study). The features derived from these parameters were mined for their association with the feeling of good/bad health. The findings mostly correspond to the current medical knowledge, although some may represent new insights.
Keywords: Telemonitoring, Teledata Mining Mining Telemonitoring Data from Congestive-heart-failure Patients
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