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Signals and Telecommunications Journal

Separate Speech Signal in Mobile Phone Calls from the Noise of Environment in Real-Time
Mohamad Al-Sadi
Syrian Virtual University (SVU) Damascus, Syria
Abstract: During voice calls through a mobile phone,there are a large number of unwanted sounds that transmitted with our speech signals, such as the noise of cars on the street, the machines in industrial places, group conversations, the sounds of people around us like children’s screams and other sounds. These sounds are unwanted noise, because it affects the quality of the speech signal on the one hand. On the other hand, it provides information about where we are located now and what is environment around us. This is a private information,we do not want them be known by those we talk to. In this paper, we propose to isolate the speech signal that transmitted through mobile phone from the surrounding sounds, without affecting the quality of the signal and any delay time. We have implemented many algorithms. That take input as a sound signal with noise, and then the system estimates the random noise signal and deletes it from the input signal in real-time. That will improve the quality of the transmitted or recorded speech signal.
Keywords: Voice Signal, Speech Signal, Transmitted Speech Signal, Recorded Speech Signal, Delay Time, Real-Time Separate Speech Signal in Mobile Phone Calls from the Noise of Environment in Real-Time
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