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Signals and Telecommunications Journal

Twitter Sentiment Analysis for Real-time Customer Experience Feedback in Indian Telecommunication Sector
Sandeep Ranjan, Sumesh Sood
I K Gujral Punjab Technical University Kapurthala, 144603, India, I K Gujral Punjab Technical University Dinanagar Campus Gurdaspur, 143532, India
Abstract: Corporations have always desired prompt customer experience feedback about their products for amending current pricing and policies to stay ahead of their competitors. A positive customer experience can be created by analyzing customer sentiments and acting on them promptly. Social networks like Twitter represent collective intelligence and opinion of the general public and hence can be harnessed for real-time feedback. They have evolved as a resource for extracting sentiments for applications in various fields. Sentiment analysis can be used to obtain the overall customer experience of a large customer base on real-time. In this research, a total of 108814 distinct tweets for Twitter handles of three popular telecom brands in India: Vodafone India, Reliance Jio and Bharti Airtel were extracted for three months. The results indicate positive customer sentiments about the brand which they prefer, reflected by the number of new subscribers added with that brand in the study period. The sentiment analysis results can be used by managements to take timely actions for improving the future customer experience.
Keywords: Social Network, Text Mining, Customer Experience, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion Mining Twitter Sentiment Analysis for Real-time Customer Experience Feedback in Indian Telecommunication Sector
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