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The Study of Design Features of CPW-FED Asymmetrical Slot Array for K-Band Applications
Marija Milijic, Branka Jokanovic
University of Niš, 18000 Nis, Serbia, Institute of Physics University of Belgrade, Pregrevica 118 11080 Pregrevica, Serbia
Abstract: We in this work discussed the design features of antenna array that consists rectangular slots positioned asymmetrically relative to CPW feeding line. The designed asymmetrical slots offer greater flexibility in antenna design and easier control of crucial antenna parameters such as gain, side lobe suppression and bandwidth. Besides we designed it to be useful for frequency range 24.25-27.5 GHz and therefore it is suitable for future great capacity broadband 5G technologies.
Keywords: Antenna Array, Asymmetrical Slot Antennas, CPW-fed Antennas, CPW T-junction The Study of Design Features of CPW-FED Asymmetrical Slot Array for K-Band Applications
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