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Signals and Telecommunications Journal

Biological Description of Inner Ear using Telecommunications and Power Engineering
Violeta Stojanovic, Zoran Milivojevic, Zoran Velièkovic
College of Applied Technical Sciences of Niš, 20 & Aleksandra Medvedeva, St, 18000 Niš, Serbia
Abstract: A broader perspective involving medicine and technology is treated in this paper. For solving biological issues, we evolve a fluid model by using both power engineering and signal processing. This approach brings real life solution to the issues in a wider sense. We presented a biological description of inner ear, simulation model for cochlea, pressure contours on the basilar membrane. This research shows how the interdisciplinary approach can solve real life issues.
Keywords: Room Impulse Response (RIR), STI, MOS Test, Bablle Noise, Subjective Speech Intelligibility Biological Description of Inner Ear using Telecommunications and Power Engineering
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