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Signals and Telecommunications Journal

Study of the Hybrid Radio Frequency and Free-space Optical System
Milica Petkovic, Goran T Djordjevic
University of Nis Faculty of Electronic Engineering Aleksandra Medvedeva 14 18000 Nis, Serbia
Abstract: The current work addresses the results of the studies on hybrid radio frequency (RF) / free-space optical (FSO) system. We found that the RF link is impacted by Rayleigh fading and the Gamma distribution designed the optical signal fluctuations. Further we derived the hybrid RF/FSO system using the outage probability expression. We have further observed the effect of the atmospheric turbulence strength and SSC implementation on the hybrid RF/FSO system performance.
Keywords: Atmospheric Turbulence, Free-space Optics (FSO), Gamma-gamma Distribution, Outage Probability, Radio Frequency (RF) System, Rayleigh Fading, Switch-and-stay (SSC) Diversity Technique Study of the Hybrid Radio Frequency and Free-space Optical System
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