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Use of PV Module and Inverter Data for Normal Test Environment
Ljupco Trpezanovski, Dimitar Dimitrov
Faculty of Technical Sciences at University St. Kliment Ohridski Bitola, Makedonska Falanga 33 7000 Bitola, Republic of Macedonia., Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies University Ss. Ciril and Methodius Skopje, Rugjer Boshkovi
Abstract: We have measured the units of photovoltaic modules presented in the string. The purpose is to get correct working voltage on inverter DC side. We use PV module and inverter data for normal test environment for doing calculations. We have also presented the finding correct number of strings linked to the inverter. We made calculation under conditions to get maximum active power from the inverter in all possible working scenarios. While calculating the inverter that limit the performances, we consider working performance that helps to eliminate inverter damage. We then applied the designed method to the PV modules in an industrial firm that produced inverter.
Keywords: Photovoltaic Modules, Dc/Ac Inverter, Maximum Active Power, Photovoltaic Power Plants Use of PV Module and Inverter Data for Normal Test Environment
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