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Energy Conservation using Photovoltaic Plants
Ivan Milenov and Vasil Dimitrov
Faculty of Communications and Electrical Equipment at the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport-Sofia 158 Geo Milev Str., Sofia1574, Bulgaria., Faculty of Communications and Electrical Equipment at the Todor Kableshkov University of Transport-Sofia 158
Abstract: Energy conservation and development are critical activities across countries. Optimum energy use ensures and protects the environment. In this work, we designed a solar energy system using photovoltaic cells. The use of photovoltaic cells helps the conversion of energy into electricity.
Keywords: Photovoltaic System, Energy Efficiency Energy Conservation using Photovoltaic Plants
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[1] http://3k-solar.bg/
[8] http://www.energy.ca.gov/reports/2001-09-04_500-01-020.PDF
[2] http://solargis.info/
[3] http://www.emde-solar.com

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