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A Simplified Control Strategy Based on the Linearization of the Dynamic Model Combined with Trajectory Tracking
Rosen Mitrev and Plamen Petrov
Rosen Mitrev is with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Sofia, 8, Kl. Ohridski str., 1797 Sofia, Bulgaria., Plamen Petrov is with the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Sofia, 8, Kl. Ohridski str., 1797 S
Abstract: The automatic control of draglines has an edge over the manual control including greater efficiency. In this work, we advocated a simplified control strategy based on the linearization of the dynamic model combined with trajectory tracking and linear feedback control law. Using Lagrange formalism, we introduced the design which was tested in our work.
Keywords: Dragline Excavator, Dynamic Modelling, Trajectory Planning, Feedback Control A Simplified Control Strategy Based on the Linearization of the Dynamic Model Combined with Trajectory Tracking
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