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Metaheuristic Approaches with the Quadtree and the Harmony Search Method
Stojanche Panov and Saso Koceski
Stojanche Panov is with the Faculty of Computer Science at ‘Goce Delchev’ University - Stip, blvd. Krste Misirkov bb., 2000 Stip, R. Macedonia., Saso Koceski is with the Faculty of Computer Science at ‘Goce Delchev’ University - Stip, blvd. Krste
Abstract: Global path planning is an issue for which we advocated a new metaheuristic approach. This process has a combination of the search space separation capabilities of the Quadtree method and the optimisation capabilities of the Harmony Search method. After the proposition, we tested it and found it more efficient and resulting in high convergence.
Keywords: Metaheuristic Algorithms, Mobile Robotics, Optimization, Global Path Planning Metaheuristic Approaches with the Quadtree and the Harmony Search Method
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