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Signals and Telecommunications Journal

The Traffic Distribution in the IP Radio-relay System
Dragana Peric, Miroslav Peric, Branislav M. Todorovic, Milan Sunjevaric, Miroslav Popovic
IMTEL Komunikacije a.d. Institute of Microwave Techniques and Electronics 165b M. Pupina Blvd. 11070 Belgrade Serbia,VLATACOM d.o.o. Research and Development Center 5 M.Milankovia Blvd. 11070 Belgrade Serbia,RT-RK Institute for Computer Based Systems Naro
Abstract: In the IP radio-relay system, the primary and secondary routes are essential. The traffic distribution between these two systems is ascertained with the optimization outcome. We observed that the algorithm developed confirmed that the common links yield primary and secondary routes. The experimental outcome of the performance of the network simulation is presented further.
Keywords: Load Balancing, Backup Routes, Fading, Traffic Protection The Traffic Distribution in the IP Radio-relay System
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