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Designing Residential Houses of Artists in Tehran with Nature-oriented Architecture
Melike Yarmohammadi, Mina Kabodarahangi
Department of Architecture, Karaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Karaj, Iran & Department of Architecture, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Iran
Abstract: The family is the first, smallest and yet the most important cell in society. The family describes our first experiences of space perception, a space which should meet our biological needs and also provide the residents with psychological comfort and security. Artists‘ residential complex has been designed with the purpose of creating a space consistent with artists‘ needs and also one for their social interactions to reinforce neighborhood concept. Reinforcement of this concept results in providing a proper environment for artists with different needs comparing to other people. Moreover, another purpose of this research is to find solutions and requirements of designing houses for artists. The results of theoretical fundamentals indicate that such criteria and the importance of recognizing them has not been studied precisely so far. A question arises here that how important it is to build such complexes, and if it is important, which arrangements shall be considered? It worth to mention that buildings for artists have been built in many regions in the world, and this necessity has been considered. It is ideal for the house to be in harmony with the nature surrounding it. A house is a small part of big world but for the people living in a house, it can be a world. The house accommodates their work, vehicles, clothing, artistic works, and sleeping space. Just like anything else, a greenhouse to be built needs a creator. Building a greenhouse supports the health of people living in and in its neighborhood, and would make them satisfied. Therefore, the necessity of developing the stability in architecture is apparent here. At the end, it was decided to build a complex composed of 160 units with nature-oriented architecture.
Keywords: Residential Complex, Stability, Nature-Oriented, Houses For Artists Designing Residential Houses of Artists in Tehran with Nature-oriented Architecture
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