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Study of the Thermal Impact of the Human Skin in the UMTS Network
Petia Dimitrova, Nikolay Valkov, Dimitar Mitkov, Viktor Stoyanov, Svetlin Antonov
Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Abstract: In this work we studied the thermal impact of the human skin in the UMTS network. This paper addressed an interdisciplinary approach for designing of biological structures which is organized using the thermos visual system with infrared camera. We draw the data from the real life situation by leaving the computer based simulations. We kept a marginal distance between the used infrared camera and participants of this study. We found during the experimentation that there is no heating of the human skin even after 40 minutes of calling. It may be due to the biological mechanism for adaptation in different conditions and biological processes involved in the process.
Keywords: Thermal Impact, Thermography, Human Body, Cell Phone, EMF, Health, Phone Call Study of the Thermal Impact of the Human Skin in the UMTS Network
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