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Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning


Reliability Ratio Weighted Bit Flipping– Sum Product Algorithm for Regular LDPC Codes
Chakir Aqil, Abdelaziz Ahaitouf, Ismailc Akharraz
Faculty of Taza, Morocco
Abstract: In this paper, a new algorithm called Reliability Ratio Weighted Bit Flipping–Sum Product (RRWBFSP) decoding is proposed for low-density parity-check codes. The new algorithm combines two different algorithms, Sum Product [4] and Reliability Ratio Weighted Bit Flipping [6]. The results of the simulation show that the new algorithm achieves a 0.34 dB performance gain over of the standard Sum- Product decoding algorithms. Furthermore, RRWBFSP algorithm has almost the same computational complexity compared to the standard Sum-Product algorithm.
Keywords: Low-density-parity-check Codes, Sum-product, Reliability Ratio, Weighted Bit Flipping– Sum Product Reliability Ratio Weighted Bit Flipping– Sum Product Algorithm for Regular LDPC Codes
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[12] Aqil, C., Akharraz, I., Ahaitouf, Az. (2021). A New Reliability Ratio Weighted Bit Flipping Algorithm for Decoding LDPC Codes, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing , 2021, Article ID 6698602, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6698602

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