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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research (IJCL)
International Journal of Web Application (IJWA)


Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning
Statement of ethics and responsibilities of authors/reviewers/editors/publishers

This journal is committed to ensure the strict adherence of all forms of ethics in publication. The committee on publication ethics has make known a comprehensive publication ethics statement in their web pages- http://publicationethics.org/files/u2/New_Code.pdf

We claim clearly the following policies for publication of this journal.

1. Publication and authorship:

The papers published in the journal should provide a complete reference list with clear acknowledgement for the use of literature. The financial support for the creation of the work needs to be clearly spelled. The journal will not permit the publication of a same paper or even part of the paper in two different media.

2. Author's responsibilities:

Authors should accept the principle of review process. The authors listed in the paper are expected to have contributions in the research carried out. The authors need to accept the data and content presented in the work are authentic. If any changes or corrections are carried out they should be clearly stated.

3. Peer review / responsibility for the reviewers:

Reviewers need to understand their professional responsibilites. They should ensure that the review is objective and the comments are based only based on the content of the work. The reviewers have no conflict of interest in any form. Reviewers play additional role of directing the authors in using relevant research pieces. Reviewers should not use any of the work given to them for review for other purposes including publications.

4. Editorial responsibilities:

Editors make very objective decision for the selection or rejection of the papers. They need to ensure that the papers accepted are contributing to the scholarship and scientific value. They need to keep the identity of the reviewers secret. They should encourage to acknowledge and correct if errors are found.

5. Publishing ethics issues

This publisher has good amount of responsibility in implementing the claimed ethics statement. The academic and research eminence and scholarship will be maintained by the publishers. Business process should not compromise ethical and intellectual requirements. If any unexpected errors occur, they should be corrected with an open statement.

In the scholarship and scientific eminence of publication, the plagiarism should be completely eliminated and all the concerned partners such as publishers, editors, reviewers and authors should ensure this process.

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