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Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning


Security Processes as Machines: A Case Study
Sabah Al-Fedaghi, Manal Alsharah
Computer Engineering Department Kuwait University Kuwait., IT-Services, Corporate Information Technology Group Kuwait Oil Company Kuwait
Abstract: Business processes (called machines in this paper) are indispensable instruments for the realization of business activities of production and services. Business security processes (machines) are a type of machines whose role involves decreasing risks, responding to incidents, limiting exposure to liability and increase financial, physical, and personal risk values. Security machines are one of the most important nonfunctional business processes due to the possible effect of their failures for organizations in terms of finances, reputation and legal compliance. This paper focuses on capturing security as machines in a diagrammatic form either in the requirements phase of software development or as a necessary tool for documentation and communication in an ongoing system. A number of modeled security processes as machines are developed which can be integrated into business process streams in order to monitor different types of security aspects (e.g., confidentiality, integrity, availability). The paper purpose is to experiment with such a newly proposed machine-oriented approach to the notion of security process and develop case studies in actual business environments. The results points to the viability of the modeling methodology.
Keywords: Conceptual Modeling, Diagrammatic Description, System Behavior, Process Control Security Processes as Machines: A Case Study
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