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Wavelength Assignment for Conducting Exchanged Folded Hypercube Communication Pattern on Optical Bus
Yu-Liang Liu
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering Aletheia University No. 32, Zhenli St., Tamsui District New Taipei City, Taiwan
Abstract: The (s + t + 1)-dimensional exchanged folded hypercube, denoted by EFH(s,t), is a brand-new interconnection network proposed by Qi et al. Besides, the bus topology is the simplest topology in optical networks, which can be modeled by a linear array graph, denoted by LAn. In this paper, the Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) problem for conducting EFH(s, t) communication pattern on LAn is investigate, where n = s + t + 1. To address this problem, an embedding scheme as well as a wavelength assignment algorithm are proposed. The author also shown that the number of wavelengths required by the wavelength assignment algorithm is 2s+t +2s+t-2 +[2t/3].
Keywords: Bus Topology, Exchanged Folded Hypercube, Routing And Wavelength Assignment Problem, Wavelength Division Multiplexing Wavelength Assignment for Conducting Exchanged Folded Hypercube Communication Pattern on Optical Bus
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