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Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning


A Security And Performance Review of IoT Encryption Algorithms
Hesham Hasan, Ghassan Ali, Wael Elmedany, Chitra Balakrishna
College of IT University of Bahrain Sakhair, Kingdom of Bahrain
Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is a trending new technology based on networking and microcomputing. It transfers normal devices into smart devices capable of communicating with other devices and the Internet. IoT-enabled devices are often resource-constrained devices. They have weak processors, small memory and low power supply. This hindered the implementation of the same security protocols and standards used in normal computing devices for IoT. A solution on the horizon is within the field of lightweight cryptography (LWC). The new field aims to provide algorithms optimized for IoT while assuring proper levels of security. This paper aims to review four LWC algorithms which were proposed in ISO/IEC 29192 standard: SIMON, SPECK, PRESENT, and CLEFIA. The review is made based on levels of security and performance of the algorithms on IoT-enabled devices. Several recommendations are then deduced from the review.
Keywords: Internet of things, Lightweight Cryptography, SIMON, SPECK, PRESENT, CLEFIA, Security, Performance A Security And Performance Review of IoT Encryption Algorithms
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