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Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning


Current Instrument Transformers In MATLAB Program Modeling
Krum Gerasimov, Mediha Hamza, Margreta Vasileva, and Anton Filipov
Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering at Technical University of Varna 1 Studentska, Varna 9000, Bulgaria k.gerasimov@tu-varna.bg .,Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering at Technical University of Varna 1 Studentska, Varna 9000, Bulgaria mediha.hamza@
Abstract: Using some literary base, we have studied the processes in the current instrument transformers. We have utilized the MATLAB program for modelling the current instrument transformers. The issues and limitations in the use of this model and the corresponding parameters are not documented. We primarily intend to model the CIT in MATLAB with the help of the available parameters and measurements.
Keywords: Current Instrument Transformers (CIT), Model, Power Systems, Relay Protection Current Instrument Transformers In MATLAB Program Modeling
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[2] С. Минчев, „Математическо моделиране на измервателни трансформатори за електроенергийната система”, Дисертация, София, 2003.
[3] K. Герасимов, Й. Каменов,”Моделиране в електроенер- гийните системи”, Варна, 2006.

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