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Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning


Moving Manipulator Unit for Welding Robots
Svetlana Gerganova-Savova
Automation of Manufacturing Department College in the Structure of the Technical University of Varna 1 Studentska, Varna 9010, Bulgaria
Abstract: In the creation of welding robots, the movement of manipulator unit is important. We have created a system for positioning of the welding head, we have developed a system with some input parameters which are described.
Keywords: Roots, Process, Welding robot Moving Manipulator Unit for Welding Robots
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[1] Gene Franklin, J. David Powell, Abbas Emami-Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Pearson Education Inc., New Jersey, 2006.
[2] Richard Dorf, Robert Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 2008.
[3] http://info-svarka.ru/oborudovanie/svarochnye-protsessy-kakobekty- avtomaticheskogo-upravleniya

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