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Journal of Digital Information Management (JDIM)
International Journal of Computational Linguistics Research (IJCL)
International Journal of Web Application (IJWA)


Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning


Single Mode Optical Fibre Pattern for Signal Processing
Kalin Dimitrov and Lidia Jordanova
Kalin Dimitrov is with the Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000 Bulgaria., Lidia Jordanova is with the Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd, Sofia 1000
Abstract: In the single mode optical fibre system, the digital signal transmissions have some problems. To offset them we have developed dependencies adapted for online application. We have identified the issues and benefits of the client-server architecture design for optical communication lines. For smaller level systems the developed application has potential to get used.
Keywords: Fiber Optics, Nonlinear Efects, Distance Learning Single Mode Optical Fibre Pattern for Signal Processing
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