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Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning


Study of Analogue Versus Digital Signals for Process Engineering
Lyubomir Laskov, Veska Georgieva and Kahn Dimitrov
The Faculty of Telecommunications at Technical University of Sofia 8 Kl. Ohridski Blvd Sofia 1000 Bulgaria
Abstract: In this work, we have studied the relationship between analogue and digital signals with many shapes. We have developed an algorithm for the implementation in the MATLAB environment. The tool that we use permits the analysis of correlation among analogue and digital signals. The tools have an impact on the signal indicators of the correlation functions. The model we have used helps the process of engineering and teaching related to it
Keywords: Signal Processing, Correlation Analyses, Auto Correlation Function, Cross Correlation Function, Computer Simulation, MATLAB Study of Analogue Versus Digital Signals for Process Engineering
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