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Digital Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Learning


The Study of the Acoustic Signals from Unique Bells
Tihomir Trifonov, Ivan Simeonov and Rosen Dzhakov
Dep. of Algebra and Geometry at Veliko Tarnovo University “St. St. Cyril and Methodius” 3 Arch. Georgi Kozarov Str.V. Turnovo BG-5000 Bulgaria, Dep. of CIS at National Military University Vasil Levski of Veliko Turnovo 76 Bulgaria Blvd V. Turnovo BG-5
Abstract: We have addressed the practical time-frequency analysis of large dynamic range signals with improvement. We have used the PULSE 12 data acquisition hardware to study the acoustic signals from unique bells. We have discussed these objects’ mechanical and acoustic properties and extensively studied their features. Finally, we have advocated the specific techniques of visualization.
Keywords: Time-Frequency Analysis, Acoustic Signal Visualization, Conformal Map The Study of the Acoustic Signals from Unique Bells
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[1] BELL: Research and Identification of Valuable Bells of the Historic and Culture Heritage of Bulgaria and Development of Audio and Video Archive with Advanced Technologies (KIN-1009), Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. (http://www.math.bas.bg/bells)

[2] Brüe & Kjar. (www.bksv.com)

[3] MathWorks. (www.mathworks.com)

[4] Trifonov, T., and Georgieva, T. (2008). Web-based approach to managing audio and video archive for unique Bulgarian bells. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on System Analysis and Information Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine, p. 325.

[5] Dimkov, G., Aleksiev, A., Simeonov, I., Trifonov, T., and Simeonov, K. (2008). Acoustical researches on historically valuable Bulgarian bells. In Proceedings of the National Scientific Conference on Acoustics, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 115-124 (in Bulgarian).

[6] Trifonov, Trifonov., Dimkov, Georgi., Dzhakov, Rosen., Simeonov, lvan. (2010). Research and identification of valuable bells of the national historic and cultural heritage of Bulgaria, In: Proceedings of the XXII Conference with International Participation “Noise and Vibration”, Nish, Serbia, 2010, pages 103-107.

[7] Alexander D. Poularikas, The Transforms and Applications Handbook, Second Edition, CRC Press, 1999

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